
We are thankful to 2013. As we are on the verge of the new year, we look back at all the great things that this year has brought us. We look forward to 2014 with more love, peace, faith, willpower, praise, patience and all great things. The year was amazing. We have learned a lot. We will use 2013 as a stepping stone to an even brighter future. We have learned a lot and this is still so much to learn in the coming new year. No resolutions because we should not have to wait until the new year to do better. We start at that moment whether it be January 3rd, July 21, October 15 or even today.. It does not have to be a new year a new me, it has to be a new day a new me or a new moment. Do not waste time and wait for another year. In reality, time is trivial. The new year we are waiting for is tomorrow and it is a new day, mid week. Value everyday, that is what I am trying to convey here.

Here’s to the old year and Cheers to the new year!!!



OK so yesterday it was raining super hard and it was really foggy and my wipers were not working well and my windows were all fogged up and I hit a curb, drove up on an esplanade and dented my rim a bit and of course flattened my tire. He saw me, my mom and my son sitting in the car and said that he will change my tire and put the emergency one on. He saw everything so he waited to see as I pulled over. He was just coming from a restaurant across the street and he had a huge bag of food, so I know he was going to eat, most likely with his co workers. He was a technician for Optimum. He did not care that it was pouring and cold. He got soaked and he took about 30 minutes or so to change my tire because the lug nuts were super tight. Anyway, I kept thanking him and told him God sent him to me at the exact time.He would not accept money I had offered him or anything. He just told me that he had to help me. This is what the world needs more of. It is all about Karma. I promised God that I would pay it forward and more. thank you Nelson!!! And, today I got a new Michelin tire and it is all good even though I had to go to Costco, Firestone, Town Fair Tire before a place on Boston Ave. that gave me a good deal and changed my tire within 10 minutes. It was painstaking driving with a doughnut tire all the way from Bridgeport to Orange and Milford back to Bridgeport..yup but it is all good cause God has our backs!!! The moral of my story is that there should be only 2 speeds in life- giving BACK and paying it FORWARD.

My Boy: Part 36

I only have one son but I know children pretty well considering my Bachelor of Science degree in Child Studies.So I know that children ask tons of questions each and every day. I also found that out when I was a lead pre kindergarten teacher at a private early childhood learning center. Anyhow, Jorge Juan asks questions from the moment he wakes up until he is in bed for the night. He wants to know everything. Many times I can not even answer his questions. His questions have depth and are very detail oriented and intriquite. A child may ask,” what shape is that?” and Jorge Juan will keep going from there. Not only does he want to know the shape of the object but the reasoning behind it. He needs to know it all. He likes to know the steps of the things we are doing and he always seems to be thinking ahead because he will ask how many more steps and what the next step will be. Jorge will ask about words in Spanish but also have the need to know why they sound the way they do and things of that nature. Where ate we going? Why are we going? Are we there yet? What are we getting there? Why are we getting it? Where are we going next? What are we going to do later? Yes, that is all typical of him and he does question in that order and manner all of the time. He is wise beyond his years and oh so curious that he really does teach me a lot about life and more. I learn patience as well. I never thought he would talk this much and I thank God because he never talked until he was after 3 years of  age and beyond. Sometimes it can be overwhelming and I have to let it soak in. Bit how can I snswer , why are are oranges orange? Hmm..many times I can be stumped. He is very intelligent and must know details to many things. When he asks me so.ething!, whatever it may be, he will ask my husband the same question just to get some kind of reassurance. Today was , how ling is an hour mommy? It is a long time Jorge just to go upstairs and grab a toy. I can easily say 60 minutes and that can turn into what is sixty minutes? And so on and so forth. It can get challenging but I learn everyday and I try my best to apply new knowledge in every situation. My indigo child of the new world….. We need to give children more credit. They are important and they matter. Not only is JJuan the future, he is the present and making his footprints as all children have the right to do.


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My Boy: Part 35

We had a great Christmas. Jorge Juan really had a blast and enjoyed himself. I am so proud of him because he knows the true meaning of Christmas. He is learning so much. He uncovered Baby Jesus from the manger and before we could remind him he said, “Happy Birthday Jesus”. That made us so proud. That in itself is such a great Christmas present. This year Jorge is into Star Wars, Angry Birds and Angry Birds Star Wars. Santa brought him any things that he can play with and learn from. He was so excited to even open his underwear and pajama sets..Does it have anything to do with them being Angry Birds Star Wars? lol He cleaned up all of the wrapping paper mess when he was finished. He is learning to play with one set of toys at a time. He is starting to put things back in the box before he goes and open something else. This is great. It is a big step. It was a very nice family day. Jorge was well behaved and appreciate everything.

He truly loves Christmas.
He wrote his own Christmas list and his writing is getting really good. He was excited to do so. Apparently Santa received his list and delivered. He is a true believer.
Last week Jorge performed in a Christmas concert at school. He had been practicing his song all week at home. He was angel number eight. He wore a halo and was a natural on stage. As we were watching him, we saw how very calm he was with his peers sitting down, watching and clapping as others sang and performed. He sang Ten Little Angels with his class. He loved it. He got on the stage like a pro. He waited his turn and did what he had been practicing. He listened for cues and followed along. It was very nice. So proud of him. We took video and many pictures. After he was done, he followed his class off the stage and sat down to enjoy the rest of the show. He never even covered his ears when everyone clapped. He never use to like all that noise and it did not seem to bother him that day. The lights did not bother him either and usually he is sensitive to lights and sounds.
Jorge also was able to enjoy Polar Express Day at school where he got to wear his Spider man pajamas. It was a special treat. He watched Polar Express movie, drank hot cocoa, had some treats and chilled out with his teachers and classmates. These are all great accomplishments for Jorge Juan. they are big steps in the right direction. Like I always say Autism will not stop him. It is his super ability. He is a great gift from God.IamMoreThanAutism1Since today is my birthday, I am feeling exceptionally blessed because I received and keep on receiving the best gifts that money can never buy. Thank You God.

My Boy: Part 34

I forgot to write about our PPT meeting to discuss Jorge’s IEP. The meeting was about 2 weeks ago. His principal, ASD teacher, mainstream teacher, speech therapist, occupational therapist, school sociologist, myself and my husband were in attendance. It was a pretty brief meeting. Everyone was so genuine and professional. I really admire Jorge’s team at his new school this year. They all really know my son and work together for his best interests. We had this meeting because he met all of his previous goals on his IEP and the team worked together to give him new goals that I believe are attainable very soon. Some things about rhyming , putting sounds together, routine but nothing too drastic. He is doing so well. Everyone was praising him and they each had a story to tell about Jorge. It felt good to be in a place where we can feel that they are really working for our son. He has progressed in so many wats that I sometimes forget that he has autism. He is a super hero. He is always trying. He lives going to school and taking the bus. He has friends and talks about them to us. We heard from the meeting that he is very comical and tries his very vest to focus and pay attention. He may have to be redirected at rimes but he participates with the rest of his classmates. This makes us very proud. He has music class, gym, art class along with his therapies. He really benefits from the whole package education. After the meeting we got a surprise. Jorge was singing Feliz Navidad along with his class to parents that had attended a PAC meeting in the cafeteria. We did not know this. It was great. He sang a little, jumped around and danced. Afterwards he got to sit on Santa’s lap and we took some pictures. He was not afraid at all and this was the first rime he sat with Santa. When Jorge saw us there at the school„ he got a little worried be cause he thought we were going to take him home with us. He wanted to stay in school and enjoy the day with his friends. That was really sweet.
Thank you for reading. Stay tuned for more. There’s so much more. Christmas Show and Polar Express Day….plus Jorge”s achievements.

My Boy: Part 33

Hello there!! Great news..Jorge Juan now has his Tiny Tiger Yellow belt in Karate. He received his certificate in rank last night at his karate school’s Christmas party. He was so happy and excited. We are very proud of him. Autism is not going to ever stop him from doing what he wants to do. He has been practicing karate since July of this year. He really enjoys going to karate class. He really likes his master instructor. He loves when Jorge does his high kick and full split as it amazes him every time. Karate is great therapy. It really helps with discipline and self control. Jorge is learning a lot. Of course there are times where he is not fully focused and plays in the mirror but over all I am glad we chose to put him in karate. And..even more glad that he enjoys it because I would not make him do something that he is not comfortable with. Autism is his super ability as it would never be his disability. He does many things very well. He is amazing and smart. He goes to karate 3 times a week and now that he has a yellow belt he says his name is Master Sensai. Never Give up!! Chi Ryob and keep on going…Autism will not stop him. We will not allow that.wpid-20131105_181233.jpg
It is only the beginning…..


we love our family and our pets and we love our home and our Christmas tree and our beds and our clothes, we love our food, washing machine, dryer and toys and we love our computers, tablets, phones, cars and teachers. we love animals, art, music and decorations. we love the holidays, seasons, snacks, coffee, tea and candles. we love heat, hot water, home remedies, natural herbs and our vita mix. we love our scarves, hats, gloves, coats, shoes and water and fruits and veggies. we love being home relaxing together, taking pics, making art, seeing, hearing, eating, walking, breathing and sharing. we love our credit cards, books, blog, website, Garage PCS, our clients, our doctors, Ecuador, America. we love being silly, shopping, helping others, visiting the elderly, freebies, playing in the snow, games, sleeping in, clean sheets, going to the zoo, close parking spaces, sanitation workers, postal workers, fast food workers and the Dollar Tree. we love reading, hot baths, menthol, red wine and babies. we love children, the ocean, airplanes and cappuccino. we love going to church, praying, being productive, the sun, the moon, the stars and the earth. we love it all because God made it all available for us. Thank You!!! Happy Birthday, Jesus


Last few days of the module at Post University. It has been a super long eight weeks. Yes, I keep telling myself, just a few more days..I still have a few things to do like 2 papers, 2 projects and postings..and only a few more days…..I will get it done. You know, it is just like Nelson Mandela once said..”It always seems impossible until it is finished.” That is so true. Of course, when I have this going on, there are so many other things that I would rather be doing.  We did put up our Christmas Tree and decorations with Jorge Juan. Everything looks beautiful. That gives me inspiration to get things done or maybe I just want to sit and relax while sipping hot cocoa watching the beautiful Christmas Tree lights and smelling the fresh scent of Frasier Fur..

My Boy: Part 32

He loves little toys. He always has loved tiny things. He always likes to hold them in his hand. He usually goes to sleep holding a tiny toy. Ooh and if he can not feel it or it falls out of his hand, he will wake up and look all over his bed until he finds it. He has woken us up before looking for his small toys. He loves squinkies. He also usually hides these tiny characters in his back pack, coat pockets, pants..wherever as long as he knows he has them with him. When he was in pre k he use to hide his toys in his pants. He would sneak them out of the house because he knew he could not bring them to school. One day while his teacher was assisting him in the rest room, several toys fell from his underwear. She told me about it when I picked him up. He would rather play with small and broken toys them some big toys. He has plenty but the Dollar Tree and small items are his favorites. He has hidden his toys in my husband’s socks, in our pillow cases, shoes..you name it. That’s just his thing.


Oh yeah, pieces to games, broken crayons, small buttons, and anything tiny that he could fit in his hands. Ever since he was a baby and before we knew that he was on the Autism Spectrum.