On Day 22…

On Day 22 of Autism Awareness Month, I’d like to share 22 things with you. My wish is that these 22 things I am sharing will inspire, enlighten, and awaken you. I hope to have raised your awareness and expanded your acceptance. I would like to to be intrigued so much that you can hardly wait to share this post. On Day 22, I pray your eyes are opened that much more to see the miracle in each day and in all children.


  1. Autism is a super ability. It is something to be celebrated and understood. My son is just like your child, only different. I write that with a huge smile because it is an oxymoron but it is so true when you think about it. So, think about it. They play, sing, draw, color, dance, and go to school (or are homeschooled). They test our patience, are messy sometimes, and just loved to be loved. Our kids are bundles of joy, inspiration and imagination. They are inquisitive and need their voices heard. They are one in the same, only different because mine has a label. That is all. But in reality, we do not pay attention to that label that is placed on him. We see the ABLE not the label. He is able to do everything that a typical, healthy child can do.
  2. Share, Learn, Connect and Grow Give it a shot. Join in. Spread the LOVE.
  3. Autism is NOT a bad word. It is NOT taboo. It is just something “they” call what is learned as a disorder. It is NOT a disability, (to us) it IS a SUPER ABILITY. He can see, hear, smell, taste, walk, talk, imagine..and so on. How can a child that is blessed enough to do all that be considered disabled?
  4. Autism iis a spectrum. No two children who have autism are the same. So, when you have met one child with autism, you have met that one child, only. Have an open mind and do not put all children in a box and label them as not being able to do this or that.
  5. Autism is not a dead end road. It can be the greatest detour, if you let it. Only in you believe!
  6. Autism does not stop my son from anything he wants to do, nothing at all. He can and will do it all. All his dreams, hopes and desires. are his and he will become even more successful than anyone could ever imagine. His roots and his wings will be well established.
  7. Check THIS Out!!! You will see. Will you have known?
  8. Never give up hope. Always go for more and push beyond limits. My son did not talk for the first four years of his life. He is now ten and talks enough for several kids. I always joke with my husband saying that our son is making up for lost time which is why he talks excessively.
  9. Symptoms of Autism can greatly improve. With lots of determination, patience, time and just believing, the hand flaps, the spins, the spasms will one day feel like they are not there any longer. Many trips to speech and occupational therapy will improve the quality of life. And then one day you notice they are getting better and you find yourself remembering when your child used to flap, spin, etc.
  10. Click ME
  11. My Boy: part 1   This right here. The start of it all.
  12. I Forget. I do forget. I really do. What is there to remember though? Let’s see…
  13. Autism does not discriminate and it affects all children differently. What matters the most is how parents respond to it. It is how parents perceive autism. It is how they will learn and advocate. It is how they will be their child’s voice when they can not speak and even when they can.
  14. Autism is just another version of “normal”. What is “normal” to you may be foreign to others. And, that is more than OK. We are all here to teach and learn.
  15. If you would ask my son what autism means he would tell you that it means that he just does things a little differently than others. He will then tell you that autism is his super power. We have to build kids up. We have to put faith in them.
  16. April is autism awareness month but autism awareness and advocacy is and should be every day of the year. Raise people’s awareness. Give others hope. Share your stories. As I have stated before, we are all here to teach and learn. I was my son’s voice when he could not speak for the first four years of his life and I will will be his voice until my last breath.
  17. A diagnosis of autism is a wake up call. Pick up that phone! It is your turn to share your stories and triumphs. It is your turn to learn and advocate. Reach out to others. It is your turn to learn what you can do to ensure your child thrives. And he or she will! They will and can do it but they for sure need you on their side.
  18. No one really KNOWS where autism came from but as we learn of the statistics, one could see that every so often cases of autism rise. Not too long ago, it was 1 in 68 children have autism. And it increases as time passes. This could mean that autism is the new “normal”. It is all about perspective. Keep that in mind.
  19. You Know These People, Right? I am certain you do!
  20. One day, my son will be on THAT list. In great company, I might add.
  21. I would not change him for the world but I will do all I can to show the world that he will one day make it a better place for all of us. Because right now, he is already had a great start by making it much better for us, his family.
  22. I am Happy That My Son Has Autism

Thank you for your time reading.

Spread the LOVE. Share the knowledge.

We are ONE.



Autism Awareness Month

Autism Awareness Month is already more than half way over. This does not mean that on May 1st, autism awareness should end or that we should stop advocating for those with autism. Autism does not only occur in April. Autism does not come and go. Autism is there on March 31st and will be there on May 1st and beyond.

For families with children on the autism spectrum, autism awareness and advocacy is an everyday thing. Each and everyday is a chance to spread love, awareness and acceptance. Each day is a new beginning to invite others into an awesome world.

In our home, autism is not a negative word. We see autism as a super ability rather than a disability. It is all about perception. Autism, of course, is a spectrum and it ranges from high functioning to severe, No two children who have autism are the same. So, yes, as the saying goes, if you met one child with autism, you met just one child.

A diagnosis of autism does not mean the end of the world. A diagnosis of autism means the beginning of a whole new world, one of milestones, awe and discoveries. You learn about yourself as you are learning about your child. Accept it as a gift and let the negativities slip away. It may take some time, but you can do it. You will see the bright light. You will be able to turn the “disability” into a super ability. You will advocate and teach others to see things with fresh eyes.

Show your child off to the world. They deserve it. They have so much to offer and we all need that. Children are amazing as it is. Throw autism in the mix and you are in for the ride of your life.

I am surprised that I waited this long to create. blog post about autism during Autism awareness month. I believe it may be due to the fact that since April 1st, I have been sharing my son’s journey and autism stories from previously written blog posts from years past. I invite you to take a look at them. See how we started and how far he has come. Know, that you are not alone and you and your family can and will thrive. We are in this together.




Hello There! Let’s Connect.

Original post is Here

My name is Danielle Loor. I founded Loorducation in 2013. It all started as a Capstone Project for grad school and has since evolved and keeps evolving over time. Click on the link below to see the latest on Loorducation on Facebook  I would love to also see you across other platforms of your choice such as Loorducation on Instagram or Loorducation on Twitter . At times I am over in this place sharing ideas and thoughts. I hope you have. look around and share your thoughts, ideas, questions, and comments because they are valued. I am excited to share and for you to get to know me and I am as equally excited to get to know who you re as well. Thats what it is all about!



My Shop is currently under construction but you can still check it out and see how others enjoyed my hand made and hand designed items.

I am a proud Autism Mommy. I am a dedicated autism advocate. I want to share our story and journey to help and inspire others and to let them know that there are no limits and anything is possible if we just believe. My Son is proof. In the Beginning there was a lot going on and the journey continues. I would not have it any other way. I would love for you to connect with me if you have any questions or are just looking for advice and someone to talk to.

You can check out the hashtag #loorducation

Feel free to share any ideas, suggestions, comments or questions. We’d LOVE to hear from you!!!

Five Faves

  1. My favorite place to be is home.
  2. My favorite stores are Target, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Costco
  3. My favorite vacation was Quito, Ecuador.
  4. My favorite type of food is Mexican Food.
  5. My favorite hobby is photography, crafting, lettering…( I could keep going as I cannot pick just one. )

What about you? 

All That Remains

All that remains are the memories.

Within those memories are a life once lived.

Make it count. Live each day to the fullest.

Learn something new. Be kind. Take care of one another.

All that remains are the life lessons.

Within those lessons are memories once made.

Make it long lasting. Live each moment to the fullest.

Learn something new, again. Be creative. Take care of one another, always.

And remember, education happens everywhere especially where you go with an open heart and open mind. img_20180922_123332761

Inspire Creativity

Inspire each child in your life. Help their creativity flow.

Encourage children to be creative in everything they do.

Let them know that they matter.

Let them know that the world needs their creative spirit.

It is more meaningful than you may think.

Feed creativity. Provide opportunities. Give them the tools to shine.

By inspiring creativity, you unlock the door to endless possibilities.


Last Day of School

j11The last day of school does not mean the last day of learning. The last day of school means going to the park to learn.

The last day of school does not mean the last day of learning. The last day of school means going to the bookstore to read and learn. The last day of school means creating, building, and exploring.

The last day of school does not mean the last day of learning. The last day of school means inventing, painting, and playing.

The last day of school does not mean the last day of learning. The last day of school means imagination, karate, and music.

The last day of school does not mean the last day of learning. The last day of school means enjoying nature and sharing with friends.

The last day of school is just the first day of learning beyond the walls of your school.


Enjoy summer. enjoy learning.



Meet JJ

Hi everyone!!! JJ is my super hero ❤

Please learn about him and share his story / journey..

Click on the category link JJ to the right of the page.

Autism is a super ability.

Autism is a different way to experience the world.

He IS my 1 in 68..


spread the LOVE

Autism Awareness Month ❤


(I am transferring my blog back over here again)

Please come back : )

Thank you,

Peace, love, and autism




As always, questions and comments are welcome.