Hello There! Let’s Connect.

Original post is Here

My name is Danielle Loor. I founded Loorducation in 2013. It all started as a Capstone Project for grad school and has since evolved and keeps evolving over time. Click on the link below to see the latest on Loorducation on Facebook  I would love to also see you across other platforms of your choice such as Loorducation on Instagram or Loorducation on Twitter . At times I am over in this place sharing ideas and thoughts. I hope you have. look around and share your thoughts, ideas, questions, and comments because they are valued. I am excited to share and for you to get to know me and I am as equally excited to get to know who you re as well. Thats what it is all about!



My Shop is currently under construction but you can still check it out and see how others enjoyed my hand made and hand designed items.

I am a proud Autism Mommy. I am a dedicated autism advocate. I want to share our story and journey to help and inspire others and to let them know that there are no limits and anything is possible if we just believe. My Son is proof. In the Beginning there was a lot going on and the journey continues. I would not have it any other way. I would love for you to connect with me if you have any questions or are just looking for advice and someone to talk to.

You can check out the hashtag #loorducation

Feel free to share any ideas, suggestions, comments or questions. We’d LOVE to hear from you!!!

Five Faves

  1. My favorite place to be is home.
  2. My favorite stores are Target, Hobby Lobby, Michaels, and Costco
  3. My favorite vacation was Quito, Ecuador.
  4. My favorite type of food is Mexican Food.
  5. My favorite hobby is photography, crafting, lettering…( I could keep going as I cannot pick just one. )

What about you?