What I am up to…or should it be “What? I am up, too.”

I am coming to the end of week 4 for this module. It is the very last class, EDU 699. My Capstone Project class. I am working on my thesis/project. It is a lot of work and dedication but it will be so worth it. It will all pay off. I am going back and forth, doing different things that correlate with my project, this is so that I do not get overwhelmed. I have created a site, as a part of my project. It is called http://www.constructivekinder.weebly.com and as of now, the site is in its very early stages. I am figuring everything out. I also have to put together my Kindergarten curriculum and write a paper about it. So in all I have to design my product. I also have to present it and that would be in the written form. That is how I chose to do it. Also, I am going to showcase it using the website in which I am creating. It is a long process but everything is coming together. I have the printed syllabus with me as a guide. Also in EDU 698, I had written a whole plan on my project where I researched my subject and followed a time line. There is about 4 weeks left until graduation. It is getting exciting because I will get to present my work for others to see. My chosen subject is a great passion of mine. I love early childhood education. It is great. I am developing a Kindergarten curriculum that is based on the constructivist theory of education. All about more hands on activities and integration of play into academics.It is awesome. I can not wait to share it with you all soon. My plan alone was about 16 pages, just to give you an idea of what I am in for : ). It is helpful because it is used as a guide. I also am creating and collecting artifacts. This has to be top notch. It is my very last class. One day, maybe I will go for my Phd or EdD…hmm do not want to think about that yet. Surviving a Masters curriculum is a constant learning experience to say the least. I am doing it for me, for the future of education. I have learned so very much this past year. Education is imperative. Education is diverse. It is something that we all need. I thrive on it. If it was too easy, it would not be as worth it. My concentration is in teaching and learning. I have gained a lot of respect for the many different teaching styles as well as learning styles that exist. I want to be in the evolution of education.


Capstone Project Plan Abstract

Do you want to sit or do you want to PLAY?

My Capstone Project is developing a Kindergarten curriculum that is based on the  constructivist philosophy.


Constructivism is a philosophy of education. It is based on experimental learning through real life experiences and hands on activities that will “construct” and condition knowledge. During the early years of school, children need to play and make sense of the world around them. Play and hands on learning is a natural thing for children. It is only fair for children to be in an environment where the philosophy of education is aimed at the benefit of the child. This is where constructivism comes into play. A curriculum for early childhood education, in particular Kindergarten, where children are free to learn from real world experiences will not only prepare children for the coming educational years but most importantly, it will prepare children to be the best they can be and offer real life social and emotional learning. Children are natural movers and explorers, and therefore it is only natural to prepare a curriculum for them that is based on their needs, desires and interests. The philosophy of constructivism can be a solid foundation for productivity and growth in young children. Constructivism encourages discovery. It also encourages hands on, experimental and task based learning. A curriculum that is based on constructivism is something that children naturally depend on in order to succeed in their environment.




My Project Plan

I just completed my 11 page Capstone Project Plan draft for my EDU 698 class. I spent a whole lot of time on it. I know that it will all be worth it. There was some performance pressure but not so much since I know that it is a draft. With the wonderful professor that I have, I am anticipating great feedback that I can incorporate into the revision of the plan.

I am in now week seven of the module. By the end of next Saturday, this module will be over and the new module will begin that Monday. That module I will be in my last MEd course which is EDU 699. This is where I will develop my plan and put together a product that will be published at the end of the eight weeks. This is a very exciting time. I am passionate about my project and really excited to share it with everyone.

In the beginning,, it was more nerve wracking but as the time passes, it seems to get easier with the understanding and development of everything. It is a lot of work and that can not be stressed enough but you learn to appreciate everything more when you put your heart and soul into it.

My project is going to be awesome. So many ideas. It will all come together and that is something to look forward to. As well graduation this May. Graduate school is not for the weak. Sometimes the work load may make one week but in reality you end up stronger.

I am waiting on my black belt.


Martial arts basics

M.Ed Reflection

Throughout my studies in my MEd courses, I have learned so much. I have learned a lot about education and life in general. What I have really enjoyed learning about is multicultural education. That really interested me. To learn about other cultures and the different ways we all learn things really sparked my interests. I have come to learn and respect that each one of us learns differently from the next person. There are more than one way, many times, to come up with a correct answer. As well, there are many different teaching styles. I have learned that if a student is not learning the way we teach then we must teach in the manner that the student learns. I became very intrigued with the idea of differentiation. I feel that it is imperative to differentiate assignments and work that we assign students in order to let them excel at their full potential. I also learned about backward design and curriculum planning. There is a lot of work that goes into each but it is worth the time and effort if it is benefiting the ones that we teach. Digital mediated technology is becoming a big thing inside the classroom and I have learned of various ways to incorporate technology within lessons, discussions and projects with students. That is what I recall off the top of my head of what I have learned in my M.Ed courses thus far. I know that I have gained a wider scope of knowledge that will come to me when needed such as the assessment and management of learning.

What I have learned about myself is ways that I can become a better listener and speaker. I have also learned about my preferred learning style as well as my preferred teaching style. I have learned that I can accommodate my students according to their learning style therefore moderating my teaching style. I also learned that the passion for teaching has always been within me and that early childhood is definitely my field. I love it.
One week down. the finish line is closer. Time to focus on my Capstone Project ideas.Brainstorming time.
Martial arts basics

Educational Research

Educational research is very important. In order to better our practices and develop new ways of teaching our students, we need to research the any topics that involve education and the process of learning. Research is a process that involves steps. In order to find out what we need and are looking for, we must follow the steps in the researching process. We first need to ask or prose a question. For example, it can be; what are we looking for? What do we really want to know and find out about this certain topic? The second thing that we need to do when conducting research is to collect data. We need to collect the data that answers the questions that we are looking to be answered. The third thing we must do is to present an answer to the question that we are seeking out. With educational research, it improves practice. Research can consist of case studies, surveys, self studies and other things such as conceptual and historical research. Research adds a lot to our knowledge. It also helps us make decisions.

There are steps that a researcher proceeds through when they are going to conduct a study.

1.Identify the research problem

2.Review the literature

3.Specify a purpose for the research

4.Collect the data

5. Analyze and interpret the data

6. Report and evaluate the research.

Following these steps is imperative for accurate educational research. It can also be a research process cycle that after step 6 it goes back to step 1.

There is quantitative research. This type of research collects numeric data from a large number of people using instruments with present questions and responses. It also analyzes trends and compares groups. There is qualitative research. It collecting data based on words from a small number of individuals and having the literature play a minor role but justify the problem are some parts of this type of research. It is best to address a research problem in which we do not know the variables and we need to explore things. There are different research designs that go along with this. Two are correlation Design and Survey Design. There are ethical issues that pertain when conducting educational research. That includes demonstrating respect to the audiences who read and use the information form the studies. In order to conduct research, one must possess certain skills such as increasing our attention span and lots of writing and editing.


Creswell, John W. Educational Research-Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research. 4Th Ed. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Paerson. 2012



Module 3

Today I begin classes again. It was a great, wonderful, splendid time off with my family. I have enjoyed it very ,much. Now it is back to studying and getting one step closer to earning my Masters in Education with a concentration in teaching and learning. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Child Studies. The two classes that I am taking this module are EDU 697 and EDU 698. This means next module will be my very last class. Each module is 8 weeks long which is half the time of a typical semester. This also means that in 16 weeks I will be graduating. That is awesome. I have come so far. I was a little nervous about starting this module but now I am more excited. Keeping a positive attitude is key. There is a lot of work to be done but it will get done with time, patience and most of all passion. I love education. I especially am passionate about early childhood education. It is very important to me and I look forward to creating an amazing project. I feel very confident and strong. I am blessed to have my husband as my rock and our son as an inspiration to keep on going. Last module was tough for me but I made it through. I look forward to learning and sharing my passion with the world. I want to educate and inspire. I want to better the lives of young children. They are the future. It is just as important, if not more important to leave better children for the planet rather than a better planet for our children. This module is about Capstone research methods and reading and doing the research for the big final project. I do not know what it is yet but I do know that it will contain lots of care, thought and love. Many ideas are coming to mind. I am blessed to have my son, Jorge Juan, with me. He teaches me everyday. He is at the perfect grade, Kindergarten so it is a great experience doing homework and other arts and crafts with him.Please keep up with http://www.facebook.com/loorducation.

Thank you!!!



Final Week- EDU510

As we are coming to the end of my Cognitive Science in Teaching and Learning class, I feel that I have learned a wealth of information that has prepared me for the rest of my Masters program as well as my career. The time has passed by really fast and it still feels as if have just started unit 1. Now, here I am in unit 8 with 6 more days to go, I can not believe it.

In unit 1, I learned a lot on artificial intelligence. Computers can do so many things but they can not experience emotions as would a human.

In unit 2, I learned about mental representations such as logic, rules and concepts.

In unit 3, I learned about analogies, cases and images.

In unit 4, I learned about motivation and making the game worth playing. This was a great unit. We have to keep or students motivated and make sure they know that learning is worth it. Our emotions can play a big part in how we learn and how we teach. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is a very interesting subject. We seem to be motivated differently as children than we are as adults.

In unit 5, I learned that Hard parts are what we do not particularly like or enjoy but must endure to receive the full benefit or knowledge from learning a subject, playing a sport or playing an instrument. We all have enthusiasm for learning especially the fun things. Even with these so called fun things we enjoy learning so much comes with hard parts. This is true whether it be academically or something such as learning karate. Hard parts are what students do not want to come in contact with but to have a smooth sailing of learning something.

In unit 6, I learned It would be great to contribute to the cognitive scientists’ exploration. To be able to share knowledge and ideas fuels our strength. I would want to tell scientists that our development is highly based on social impacts. Social impacts play a big part in development, therefore creating a big impact. I would want to tell them that all in which we learn somehow takes the place in a social context from when we are born and throughout our lives. The interactions that we have with others shape the way we think, feel, socialize and interact with others. Social interactions are imperative from preschool. A strong educational foundation is built on socialization. It is a very big piece to life, in fact it is huge.. We are social beings, We need to connect with others in every way. If we were unable to socialize, we would diminish. Socialization brings out great things.


In unit 7, I learned Dynamic learning systems are systems that contain an abundance of variables that can change the “playing fields”  as they are working together. Combined, these variables can make a difference. The outcomes determine the change within the certain “playing field”. The cognitive illusions depend on knowledge that is stored about the world with some degree of conscious control. These cognitive illusions interact with different levels of perceptual processes instead of demonstrating a base that is physiological – the knowledge or made, built in assumptions are not directed in the right way, in other words they are misdirected. Certain perceptions of images or illusions do not follow certain standards or rules. These illusions are thought up and can really be anything out of the blue, it doe snot matter. Illusions come from over thinking at times as well. People get lost in thought. Illusions can be interpreted in many ways by many different people. Illusions are very complicated, what one sees another may not see at first, if at all until after they are shown. Illusions complicate the cognitive science’s efforts to broaden and expand mental representation models.Illusions can really be a difficult thing more so for children than adults.All of our experiences are different. we all experience different things from adult to another adult and greatly varies from a child to an adult. We all think differently and use different processes to complete tasks and go on about daily life. Our learning styles are different and how we interpret information within our minds is unique. The way we all see pictures, photos and images differs from one person to the next. All of that can really affect our instructional efforts with adults and children. We always have to keep in mind what we see and think is not necessarily what the next person sees or thinks. We have to accommodate.

It would be great to contribute to the cognitive scientists’ exploration. To be able to share knowledge and ideas fuels our strength. I would want to tell scientists that our development is highly based on social impacts. Social impacts play a big part in development, therefore creating a big impact. I would want to tell them that all in which we learn somehow takes the place in a social context from when we are born and throughout our lives. The interactions that we have with others shape the way we think, feel, socialize and interact with others. Social interactions are imperative from preschool. A strong educational foundation is built on socialization. It is a very big piece to life, in fact it is huge.. We are social beings, We need to connect with others in every way. If we were unable to socialize, we would diminish. Socialization brings out great things.

Teaching is an art and definitely a science. I have taken from this course that we as educators teach differently and as learners we have or own learning style. We do not all learn the same. This is something to take into consideration inside and outside the classroom.

Overall, my knowledge has greatly expanded. I was in some way expecting something more difficult in this class, just because the title seems a bit intimidating. Indeed, the class was very challenging with great informative material, but I am getting through it better than I imagined. The discussion boards really help as well as the feedback from the professor.With the information I learned in EDU510 helps me be more prepared for my following classes which are at a 600 level next module.



Cognitive Science of Teaching and Learning- Units 4 and 5

It is halfway through this module already and I am learning quite a bit about the cognitive aspect of teaching and learning. It is very informative and interesting. The book we are reading for this class is by David Perkins and it is called Making Learning Whole : How Seven Principles of Teaching Can Transform Education.

In unit 4, I read chapter 2, Make the Game Worth Playing. I have learned that people are interested in learning something not only because it seems easy or practical, but also because it has to do with intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is very important because it is a feeling that comes from within without any outer or extrinsic incentives like grades or money. I have learned that extrinsic motivation turned out to be negatively related to achievement and on the other end intrinsic motivation predicts greater achievement and positivism. As children, many of us were extrinsically motivated- we would do things to get candy, ice cream or just because we knew it would make our parents and teachers happy. Growing older and wiser, we come to the realization that intrinsic motivation leads to happiness and success and that is what truly educates us.

In a class of pre kindergartners, you can see the extrinsic motivation. Some children would get in line, sit on the rug or listen attentively to a book because of the rewards to be given. They would do these things because they know if they do they will receive a sticker, get to be the line leader, or have some extra juice at snack. At this young age, we can not expect to have the children be intrinsically motivated by nature. It is up to parents and teachers to show the children that happiness and success come from within and that we should do things not only for the reward but because it is benefiting us in certain ways, shapes, and forms.

To make the game worth playing, the game being education and the experiences that lead to learning and understanding, teachers have to show children and students why we need to learn what we are learning. As teachers, we also need to show students that learning is essential and fundamental. We must find ways to grab the students’ attention and keep them motivated. It is very different doing so with pre kindergartners than with college students. Like I have stated, with my age group, 4 and 5 year olds, there is a lot of extrinsic motivators but in time we have to turn it over and teach that the rewards that come from within last longer than any candy or sticker. Time is what it will take for a child to comprehend but we must never give up and show them that the game is worth playing.

To do so we have to learn what it is that is really worth learning. Sometimes we have to sort through and pick what is worth learning. One great thing is to make the most out of beginnings. When we are first starting out something, it can be difficult, intimidating and the progress can be slower than expected. We can never give up and make the most out of beginning new projects and things of that nature. When we understand something finally, we must also make the most of it. We must value it to stay intrinsically motivated. Expectations and choices, we all have them. Let us make them shine and take what we can out of them. Choices have so much to do with what we learn and how we learn it. In order to make learning whole and get the most out of the game of learning, we have to embrace the challenges and let out imagination grow. I wonder…there are wonders of learning and to really see how to make the game worth playing check out page 77 of the above mentioned book. It is a good reference for teachers. Let us wonder.

We also have to remember to work on the hard parts because without them there would not be challenge and without challenge there would be no learning. This starts from pre kindergarten and works itself all the way through life.

Good luck and happy teaching. As I always say, I am a lifelong learner and I love to learn everyday. When I teach, I learn. It is the circle of life.

Some sites with good information:


http://www.ted.com/talks/dan_pink_on_motivation.html – great video here

http://researchnews.osu.edu/archive/inmotiv.htm – hmm…they are saying intrinsic motivation does not exist….. i do not agree.



Cognitive Science of Teaching and Learning

This is my second module in my Masters program. This time around I am taking EDU510 and EDU515. I am learning a lot of interesting information that is proving to be valuable towards the future of education.

brain-power_620x349We are now coming to the end of Unit 3. Here is some of what I am learning and doing so far in my cognitive science class. Some were funny, boring, serious- whatever the case may be. The fact is that teachers have their own style when it comes to teaching and conducting a class. When we think about it and study cognitive science, seeing that we are different types of learners as well. Some of us are visual learners, some auditory learners and so on. One thing I have learned is that it is important to acknowledge the fact that we, as teachers teach differently compared to one another but we also must keep in my that our students learn differently compared to one another. In an effort to make our students comfortable and successful, we should be flexible and suit their needs. Our teaching style should accomodate that of the learning style of the sudents. Afterall, teachers are the ones who should facilitate the learning experience to achieve goals that are set. This should happen from pre kindergarten and beyond. There should be understanding that our brains are wired and even though we may think differntly from one another, we can still acieve the same “answer” or final product

In the pre kindergarten classroom, it is clear to see the many different ways that children respond to certain stimuli and react. Although, we use domains and set benchmarks for a particular age group, all children “hit” them when they are cognitively ready. Some are more visual- taking direct clues, reading body language, charts, graphics etc. while others are more auditory- listening and sensing. In order to begin to understand the concepts of basic math, some children would rather color, cut and paste while others build with counting blocks and there are others who rather watch a teacher draw it on a smart board. The point is that from a very young age, we have a preferred way of absorbing information that satisfies us and although we may not fully understand it when we are in elementary or high school, we can learn to respect and appreciate differences.

Adults and children learn differently from one another.It all has to do with the maturity of our brains- rationality, critical thinking skills grow and expand as we do.

Here are some interesting reads:

Click to access Child_Brain.pdf

I have come to the conclusion that if a child is not learning material the way that I am teaching, I have to stop and think- what can I change about my technique that will create the child to understand the presenting concepts I am placing before him…..We can not and should not expect a child to just learn the way we teach, we have to show them we can teach in the way that they learn. (DL)

A nice video to watch