My Boy: Part 25

“I love to do this Mommy (shaking/flapping hands vigorously), it makes me happy.” That is what my son says to me sometimes. When he actually does flap his hands, he let us know it is because he is excited and happy abouit something.

Well, yesterday at karate, he had a wonderful class. He did a complete split and was able to put his head down on the mat at the same time. He was the only Tiny Tiger who was able to do it. He is super flexible and always has been.

He has been doing well at school. He really enjoys it from the bus ride to and from to all the specials that they have. He is always busy. Next week is report conferences and I will be there with my husband.I can not wait to hear of the successes and improvements of our son. He is such a a blessing.

I never thought I would be on a part 25 story about my son. Just to think it all started with one post after a visit from the neurologist. We are determined to assist our son reaching his full potential. He has come a long way and we are proud of him. Autism does not stop him. What a huge difference dedication and faith make. I would not have it any other way. It was a blessing in disguise. A super ability. The point is to improve and not to stay on that same level of the spectrum as the doctor stated. That is a starting point awaiting enhancement and betterment.

If no one knows where Autism came from the no one can tell me that it does not have a cure. If Autism is a life long happening, so be it, I will take that as well because I do not see my son any different from a typical child.

God bless.

Thank you,


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